Thursday, December 25, 2008

Positive Ad Campaign

With at least one board member continuously stating that we District #150 teachers get paid more than other area teachers and that we work a shorter day, we feel it's crucial to advertise (at least somewhat modestly) how much above and beyond the call of duty we District #150 teachers go on a daily basis. Not only do we work hours upon hours after the dismissal bell rings, we also put a good deal of our own money into our classrooms. (When is the last time District #150 bought any of you a fan ??? let alone the many other materials you purchase with your own money.)

I'd argue that other teachers in the area wouldn't be willing to take the little extra we get paid to deal with the many elements (other than strictly teaching) that we deal with . . . daily.

I haven't talked to any teacher who is ungrateful for his salary or her benefits; however, to say that we're somehow getting by without working our share is absurd. We would like to start a positive ad campaign . . . T-Shirts, Bulletin Boards . . . Yard Signs . . . "District 150 Teachers / Going Above and Beyond"

We need to let parents and community members know that we are working our butts off for their children. If the PFT doesn't do it, no one will.


  1. I know many teachers who have left this district to go elsewhere at much lower pay because they were so burned out by the discipline issues that plague this district.

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