Sunday, December 21, 2008

Checks and Balances

We firmly believe that the Peoria Federation of Teachers, the Board of Education, and the District #150 administration should operate in much the same way our government works. Each organization (the union, the board, and the administrators) should check and balance the other.

Our goal is to strive to put the PFT in a position to do much more checking and balancing. We firmly believe that the educators in our district -- the teachers who have daily contact with our children -- should drive the educational future of our district. If elected, we will ensure that the PFT has a strong voice with regards to which direction our district must take.

As it is, the administration has turned our district's academic culture into a business culture. The administration (with little or no guidance from our district's educators) buys programs; we teachers then become service personnel directed to carry them out. So many programs . . . so little time left to teach.

We intend to take to bull by the horns . . . we intend to rally teachers . . . to reclaim our position as the professionals . . . as the ones who should be driving the educational future of our district.

1 comment:

  1. Traditionally unions and management have had an adversarial relationship and this is for a reason. The worker benefits from such a relationship. Currently our union's mindset is to be a partner with management...thus management knows there is no possibility of any conflict ahead and they take FULL advantage of the teachers! Jeff and I would like to turn this train back around.
