Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Alternative Schools

Our district is in dire need of an alternative school -- a top-notch alternative school. Teachers should NOT have to spend even a fraction of their class time dealing with discipline problems. Students should be expected to behave from the time they enter school until they leave school grounds. Students who don't behave -- who disrupt the learning environment of other students -- should be summarily dealt with.

This idea that teachers should handle discipline problems within their classrooms is absurd. If discipline isn't established and upheld first and foremost, no progress will be made. In fact, there will be digression.

We teachers must stand up for the rights of our students. Our students deserve classrooms (and schools) that are calm, peaceful, and conducive to learning.

Nobody wants to throw children out on the streets; however, if we don't control behavior within our schools, there becomes little difference between our schools and the streets. A top-notch alternative school would allow students who need intensive interventions to get those interventions. Students who don't need such interventions would be able to learn without having to deal with being continuously disrupted.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff and I have spoken at board meetings several times concerning this issue. I have taught part-time at the Peoria County Jail for over a decade and have never had a fight in my classroom. I have no guard nor camera. The difference between the PCJ and a 150 classroom is at the PCJ there are REAL CONSEQUENCES for the inmate's actions. We are FAR to PASSIVE in this district and we are doing these children no favors! Children have to learn that there are rules and consequences for not following those rules. This district has had many near misses and I hope it learns before this extreme behavior results in tragedy.
