Saturday, February 7, 2009

Vote! Vote! Vote!

We teachers must be at the forefront of educational change!  We can't spend another year listening to the administration's tired tunes as our district swirls down the drain.  We teachers must turn things around.  NOW!

We need you to get out and vote for us this April!  We will transform our union into an educational powerhouse.  We teachers will be the force that drives the educational future of our district.  

Please get out and support us this April!  We will get things turned around!


  1. Great job, keep up the fight!
    Don't let Yolks article in the Journal
    get you down!

    Your never gonna survive unless you
    git a little bit crazy-Seal


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. angel in pink
    Sometimes we become complacence about the union and who represents us. This election is vital to our rights as professionals! You never know when you will be faced with a challenge that requires support. Hedy and Jeff have demonstrated already how much of their time they have given freely. Get out there and vote to make sure you have PFT officers who will support you.
